Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love in the Workplace

Today is the perfect time to talk about an odd subject: love, specifically, love that happens in the workplace. Valentine’s Day is not the only time that love can happen for better or worse.

For me, it usually meant for the worse. Only once in my life have I ever attempt to ask out a girl. Quite honestly that didn’t go well. After several weeks of being flirted with in her workplace, I got up the nerve to ask her out. Instead of being accepted, I drowned in her excuses why she can’t go out with me. Amongst the reasons were no time, going to school, and the obvious not want to. Ironically a couple of weeks later, I found this girl with a much better looking guy than me. I have the feeling that looks had more to do with the rejection than anything else. Thankfully I have not seen her in over 15 years and I could not be happier.

However, over the last 10 years 2 girls asked me out. One of the girls only was looking for a relationship for sex only. Yes, she stupidly said that she just wanted sex and nothing else. If anyone thinks that this is inappropriate, then you are in full agreement with me. Obviously I turned this girl down despite the fact that she was kind of a sexy girl, just not an overly beautiful girl. Ironically, she quit the job less than a month later and went to work at another retailer. She worked there for about a year before completely disappearing off the map. Approximately 2 years later, she entered the store where I worked and came through my line and I noticed by her charge card that she has since got married. Maybe she found somebody who would fulfill her “request”.

The other girl who asked me out gave me her phone number on her last day of employment with me and wanted me to call her, however she really didn’t seem interested in actually liking me. She seemed more interested in telling me about her problems and the meds she was taking. Quite honestly, she scared me despite how much I really wanted to like her. I never called her at all and when she caught up with me at the local Best Buy 6 months later. She gave me the 3rd degree right in front of my mother who I was out shopping with that day. After stating her case and I told her that I wasn’t going to call right away, she stormed off and never was seen again. I tried several times over the years since to friend her on Facebook, MySpace, and even follow her on Twitter. Ironically, she has never tweeted, but I follow her anyway. I wonder if she even knows or cares. If I had the opportunity I would love to have her back, but I don’t expect it since she seems to have a new boyfriend and now lives 3000 miles away in California.

So overall, I have never been lucky in the whole relationship thing and the future doesn’t look bright. However, I recommend care to be taken when a relationship seems weird like the ones I have mentioned. Until things change I will continue to be the U.S.A.’s most unloved person. Thankfully Valentine’s Day comes but once a year.

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