Monday, July 23, 2012

James Holmes–My Take on Him

James Holmes

James Holmes (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)

I am writing this in both of my blogs as I feel this is important enough for both of them. It is a game-changer of society and thus is needed to be discussed in both places.

It is no surprise that James Holmes has now become the most infamous villain of society of late. His actions in the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado is nothing short of devastating, but I believe that this is a wake-up call to society.

The reason is quite simple: He was fed-up. Fed-up with a society where the haves got too much and the have-nots suffer. Consider the fact that this college honor student could only get a job at McDonald’s and you realize where society has failed him. In his position, who would not be angry?

The fact that the rich are spending millions of dollars wanting to put their candidate into the White House (or keeping the opponent out), when these same millions of dollars could be used to hire quite a few employees. It’s bad that the rich can take tax deductions on their campaign spending, yet can’t write off anything to hire new people. The rich would rather spend money foolishly rather than helping real people. This is the problem with society today.

James Holmes is not crazy, mentally ill, or some sort of weird loner that the news media is portraying him as, but instead someone who wants to wake up society to the problems that keep him and hundreds of others from succeeding. Sadly, the media has already executed his future, which means he will never get a fair trial and nobody could ever serve on a jury as too much information has been distributed about him and his victims. It would have been better if he hadn’t booby-trapped his apartment and went to court today with orange hair. Certainly, both of these have killed any credibility he may have had. His best defense now would be to say “I was just fed-up with the rich bastards once and for all”.

Now, because of him, we have introduced more paranoia in the world as theatres, once considered a safe place, no longer as such. However, I think this paranoia is unjustified and should be considered an isolated incident. Sadly, many don’t believe that 9/11 was this way even though realistically it really was. The copycats happened just because they wanted to test the U.S. and our ability to find out the perpetrators. We are paranoid society whose isolation is hurt by the technology that surrounds us and the isolation we wrap ourselves in.

Just an example is this was a woman who was talking on her cell phone the other day. I was walking behind her going into a store not more than 3 feet behind and twice she NEVER held the door open for me and let the door slam in my face. I continued to follow this woman around the store and notice how she never paid attention to the people she ran into or the counters she ran into as she was on her phone and acted like she was drunken by the person on the other end. Sadly, it is this type of social isolation that we have created by having people believe in false security.

As soon as we can separate technology from reality, then people can get real and see things the way they should be seen. We shouldn’t rely on fake profiles on twitter, Facebook, or even going back to the hardly used MySpace. Stop believing the fakeness and only believe the real person. Everybody will be better off for it.

As I will be discussing in a future posting in my Staples blog, sometimes a profile can cause problems even when no problem exists. It is when a company like Staples decides to make more out of something that it is when things go so wrong as I will explain in full details.

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1 comment:

  1. There's no better way to wake people up and make them aware of society's problems than to gun down a group of innocent people in a movie theater. You hit the nail right on the head!
