Monday, January 9, 2012

Commentary: End of Year Payout and Payday for Staples

This first part of this commentary refers to the following article:

So, Staples President Ronnie Sargent takes a $14million dollar+ payday.  I am wondering how many jobs he will create with all this new money.  Can we assume the number is probably close to ZERO!!   How many more jobs lost at Staples?  Possibly hundreds!   Great time to buy that new Lamborghini Ronnie!! (or 2 or 3 or 4 or 100).

The second part refers to this article:

Once again, Staples does charity just not anything in Maine.  I will have much more later on Staples “charitable donations” in a future post.  For now, just take all of their so called donations and giving's as just part of Ronnie Sargent’s tax write-off.  Quite possibly a link between these 2 articles, but sneaky Staples does a great job of denial.  It is sad that Maine hardly exists as part of Staples giving especially since we have quite a few stores in the state.  Apparently  that don’t matter to them at all.  No real surprise here at all.

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