Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Celebrating 5 Years Later?

It is an amazing thing.

It has now been 5 years since my termination from Staples.

Depending on how you want to look at it, it is either a good thing or socially the worst thing could ever happen.

Yea, I lost a good full time job with full benefits. On the other hand, the company’s stock has plunged to nearly half the value of when I left the company. This would have meant that I might have lost about 50% of my retirement plan if I didn’t leave the company.

Unfortunately over the last 5 years, I have yet to get a new job. Some may say that I am lazy and don’t care. The truth is that Staples has ruined me so bad that I am a toxic employee, even to companies that I could have very easily gotten into.

I still fill out job applications with no success; however resources limit me in how far I can travel for any job possibilities.

Mind you that I have a college degree as well but unfortunately that is about as worthy as nothing as it is over 20 years old. Certainly times have changed since then and going back to school to update myself isn’t even an option now or ever.

So now the best that I can do is continue to punish Staples with this blog and spread my story of just how evil this company really is. For long time readers of this blog, you may have realized that I have been writing more about current events than me lately, but I plan to continue my own story in the weeks and months ahead.

So what is my expected future? Unfortunately, I do expect much than this at the current time. Combining my toxic past with Staples and my current health condition, I don’t expect to get hired anywhere anytime soon. Place the blame where you want, but I blame mostly reluctant companies not willing to hire or even take a chance with me.

On a completely different topic, I have made a serious change to this blog.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have had people comment on a posting from over 9 months ago. One of the comments was rude and promptly deleted; the other I allowed but explained that their comment was explained by comments expressed by others in that same blog.

It all made me wonder if some people are just ignorant or just want to read what they want and just stop there. In both cases, the commenters were wrong, but the rudeness of one is just not acceptable.

This brings me to my point. Any rude comments will be deleted, no questions asked. I also must approve all comments before they are posted as well. I am also closing the period of comments to 30 days. I feel that this is more than adequate time to respond to posts as the much of the information I write about quickly becomes outdated or amended. This is not meant to punish people, but to close the door on old topics without deleting old posts. Note, however, that these changes affect only the WordPress edition of this blog and not the Blogger version of this blog. Blogger doesn’t allow to make the type of changes to limit times on comments so for now, this will remain unchanged.

I really didn’t want to make these changes, but I had enough of moderating old posts that should have been put way behind us.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

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