Thursday, July 25, 2013

I Am Back (for now)

Well, the last couple of weeks I have not posted anything here of any importance.

Actually, I made a post 2 weeks ago, but the information that was posted on that date was found to be invalid by Friday of that week. So, the only logical thing for me to do was to delete the post rather than try to make excuses for the information posted. The facts were there Tuesday of that week and by Friday, it all fell apart. I wish not to go into any details of it, only to say that it was just an unfortunate circumstance of incomplete truths.

As far as last week was concerned, it was just way too hot to use my equipment. I was actually writing that quick post from a local retailer with internet access as I wrote the correction the previous week from the same place.

Over the years, I learned not to turn on things like computers when it gets real hot as it is possible to overheat the equipment or worse experience a power outage. Actually, I experienced 3 power outages during the past week. 2 of them lasted just a few seconds and one lasted nearly 1 ½ hours. I could have used my machine on its battery without being plugged in, but the machine would have possibly overheated since I don’t have AC. Of course, I could have used my cooling pad on my machine, but the only thing that does is suck up battery life by being plugged into the USB port and it really doesn’t cool that much anyway. So the safest thing to do was not to do anything last week.

Overall, I was disconnected for more than 10 days. No email, no Facebook, no Twitter, no nothing. It almost seemed like a relief to be away from it all for a while even though it was completely unexpected. This all leads to a simple Q&A session.

What is the publishing regularity of this blog?

My plan always was to publish at least one day per week. The only times this would not happen if a holiday was in the week or severely inclement weather. There may be other times as well and notification will be published in advance, when available. Occasionally there might be multiple posts in a week if necessary.

Since a post was deleted a couple of weeks ago, is it ever possible to have a replacement post ready instead?

When I started this blog on Blogger, a couple of years ago, I had a bunch of posts written up ahead of time. The problem was all the information seemed canned and didn’t reflect the times. While it laid the groundwork for this blog, I prefer to write current and insert current information when appropriate. If I ever use a canned posting, I will probably indicate that it is such just so readers don’t think that the information is current. It was just an unfortunate happening that the posting was deleted and nothing else was ready to replace it.

Is it ever possible to suggest topics for the blog?

Absolutely, just contact me through one of the ways listed on the right side of this blog. Any topic relating to retail or retail scams can show up here. All topic suggestions will remain anonymous.

Hopefully, if all goes well I will be back to a regular posting schedule for a while next week.

And next week’s topic is planning on being the most wonderful time of year and I am not talking Christmas.

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