Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Lewiston Mayor Gets It Right

It would almost seem that Lewiston Maine mayor Robert Macdonald is cut from the same cloth as the state's governor.  His recent remarks regarding Somalian people might be harsh, but I believe that they are truly justified.  It's bad to think that somebody though would actually say it publicly.  I believe that a lot of people probably feel the same way.

Let's face the reality.  We didn't invite these people into our country nor did we force them to come here.  This state along with other states got screwed into taking these people whether they like it or not.  The mayor is probably angry at the fact that these people are taking many city resources without giving anything back to the community.  It costs money to educate their children and to make matters worse to teach these people English as a second language.  Many probably don't care to learn the language and wish to rely on translators instead.  Again, this is an abuse to the system.

I remember going to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) a couple of years ago to try to get on the MaineCare system.  Unfortunately, I couldn't get on because I had no kids and they were no longer accepting any new people to the program.  Unless of course you consider that the majority of the people there in the lobby were foreigners who didn't speak English and wish to get on some sort of state aid.  Why should they get onto a program when they have never worked in this country when somebody like me who needed it couldn't get it?  Certainly our system is messed up and the Lewiston mayor is probably fed up with them.  I feel that what he said was certainly not out of place nor do I feel it was wrong.  If these people are offended, I say too bad.

Consider also that if we went to visit their country, women would be required to where their garbs and dress accordingly.  Why they can't comply to our customs is beyond me?  After all, it is a two-way street.  Unfortunately, these people are all take and no give.  

Feel angry is you ever felt like you lost a job to one of them -- guaranteed it will happen if it hasn't happened already.  The U.S. needs to get serious on immigration reform and stop the flow of people into this country.  This is causing more problems than any other problem in our economy.  Why is nobody addressing this problem?  Are they afraid of offending anybody..certainly the Lewiston mayor wasn't at all?  Kudos to him...this country needs more people like that in politics.

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